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Footnotes of the article
1 The Russian Centre for Conservation and Study of Modern History Records (RCCSMHR), 497/2/1/3 2 RCCSMHR,2/1/9324/1 3 Sovetsko-meksikanskie otnoshenia.Sbornik documentov. (1917-1980). (The Soviet-Mexican relations. The collection of the documents.) M.,1981, pp. 9-10 4 RCCSMHR,497/2/2/199 5 Gomez M. From Mexico to Moscow. - "Survey, London, 1964, #53, p.36 6 The first words of the "Letter" refer to Borodin: "A Russian Bolshevik who had taken part in the Revolution of 1905 and who had later spent many years in your country has proposed to me upon himself the delivery of my letter to you." 7 Historia del socialismo marxista en La Republica Argentina. Origen del Partido Socialista Internacional. Informe dirigido a la Internacional Socialista y a todos los partidos socialistas. Buenos Aires, 1919, pp.41,67 8 Salazar R. Las pugnas de la gleba (Los albores del movimiento obrero en Mexico). Mexico, 1972,p.271. The book was published the 1st time in 1922 yet. 9 RCCSMHR,2/1/10294/1. Lenin's note to Zinoviev about this letter was dated in Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Biographicheskaya chronika.(The Biographical Chronicle). vol. 7. Mart-noyabr 1919 g. (March-November of 1919).M.,1976, p.324.. The letter is not disclosed, unfortunately. 10 Cardenas H. Las relaciones mexicano-sovieticas. Mexico, 1974, p.43 11 Op. cit., p.44 12 RCCSMHR, 497/2/1/1 13 Ibid. 14 Draper T. The Roots of American Communism. N.Y. 1957, p.240 15 "Latinskaya Amerika", Moscow, 1994, # 10,p.107 16 RCCSMHR, 495/18/66/64 17 The Russian State Archive of the Economy (RSAE). 2324/16/43/5a. As cited in "Novaya y Noveishaya istoriya", Moscow, 1993, #6, p.154. 18 Jacobs D.N. Borodin. Stalin's Man in China. Cambridge, 1981,p.62; Spolansky J.The Communist Trail in America. N.Y., 1951, p.172 19 Gomez M. Op. cit., p.36. 20 M.N.Roy's Memoirs. Bombay-New Dehli-London-N.Y., 1964, p.187 21 M.N.Roy's Memoirs.., p.177; Gomez M. Op. cit., p.35 22 It was held in Mexico-City on 25.YIII-5.IX. 1919. 23 RCCSMHR,495/108/1/6 24 It was another Phillips' alias. 25 RCCSMHR,495/108/4/8 26 Gomez M. Op. cit., p.36; M.N. Roy's Memoirs..,p.206 27 RCCSMHR,497/2/1/1 28 RCCSMHR,495/108/1/6 29 RCCSMHR,495/108/1/9-10 30 RCCSMHR,495/108/3/2 31 RCCSMHR,497/2/1/3 32 RCCSMHR,497/2/1/12 33 RCCSMHR,495/108/8/3 34 RCCSMHR,495/108/7/1 35 RCCSMHR,497/2/5/68 36 RCCSMHR,497/2/5/12 37 RCCSMHR,497/2/2/199,200,200a 38 RCCSMHR,497/2/1/39 39 Ibidem. 40 RCCSMHR,497/2/7/92 41 The letter was dated 6.XII.1919 42 RCCSMHR,495/105/2/1 43 Vtoroi Kongress Kominterna. Iyul-august 1920 g.Stenograficheskii otchet. M.,1934,p.617 44 The Bureau consisted of the people well acquainted to Borodin – Sen Katayama, Louis Fraina and Charles Phillips. 45 RCCSMHR,495/18/65/42 46 RCCSMHR,17/1/369/156 |